Category: Uncategorized

Someone recently told me a story about getting into trouble because he was “too good” at his job. As a new hire to the company, he set about doing his job effectively, conscientiously making an effort to reduce errors, complete tasks as quickly as possible and streamline procedures. He was politely pulled aside by one of his new colleagues and told that he was making everyone else look bad by being so good at his job.  He was asked to slow it down. So here is the ethical dilemma.  Would you lower your standard of quality to “fit into the team” or would you continue performing to the best of your ability? Maybe this is an unfair question because you →

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Our children spoke today – 3/24/2018.  1 million children descended on Washington DC to protest gun violence and demand that our elected officials take action to change the law. Were you listening?  There were more people marching today compared to President Trump’s inauguration day. And the children didn’t just march in D.C.  They marched in New York, Chicago, Florida, Los Angeles, and even here in Phoenix.  Their voices screamed “Enough is Enough”.  And they are right. As one young person said, it’s not a legal issue, it’s a moral issue. The children are demanding change.  And they’re calling BS on anyone who is failing to do their jobs and represent the will of the people. We’ve been dealing with gun →

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Below is a copy of a campaign to stop the FCC from ending net neutrality.  Why should you care?  Because, if ended, the big internet providers like Comcast, Verizon, AT&T  and others will be able to block your content, prevent you from getting access to information, and charge you fees for “premium” access or services. An example of the consequences we could see if net neutrality is eliminated was reported about TripAdvisor, who blocked negative comments about women who were sexually assaulted at certain resorts in Mexico. This came to light when one woman posted information on social media about a particular hotel because her comments kept being removed by TripAdvisor. Dozens of women came forward to let her know →

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In starting my research for this blog post I found a USA Today headline reading “Trump delivers the death blow to ethics.”  Well That’s an Understatement!  Presidential advisers pitching products, releasing fake news, accepting positions for which they have no qualifications or experience, fighting with federal judges, name calling, dismantling laws without considering consequences, brushing off conflicts of interest as irrelevant… Have I missed any???! If this isn’t the death of ethics I don’t know what is.

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As we usher in a new leader, I am compelled to write this article.  It is just bubbling out of me, because I have been witness to a change in our environment where ethics and accountability are taking a back seat to fear and anger and hate. How did this happen, and how do we release the pressure building up? I have visions of the future, and they sometimes include people curled up in little balls, afraid to speak up for fear of being attacked.  In other visions, the future is positive – a change of the guard and a new way of doing things is good.  The thing is, I am puzzled by the lack of accountability people are →

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