I just wrote my 7th email requesting a prospective client to let me know the status of my proposal for coaching. Last week a colleague cancelled a meeting at the last minute for the 3rd time; I told her admin not to bother rescheduling. And I’ve been tracking people down who said they wanted to meet with me and then never responded to my meeting invitation. What makes scheduling and following-up (or following through) so difficult for people? Could somebody help me understand this please, because I apparently missed the class on effective scheduling for entrepreneurs. To me, the way we manage our schedules and follow-up with people is a window into our character. Maybe I am fanatical about this →
Out of the mouths of babes sometimes come very wise statements. I think we should listen more to these golden nuggets when they occur. We adults just might learn something of value. One such pearl of wisdom came from a young girl scout. Her story was on the CBS evening segment “On the Road” by Steve Hartman which aired here in Phoenix on February 17, 2017. 11-year-old Charlotte McCourt wrote a letter to a customer stating that “the Girl Scout Organization can sometimes use false advertising.” Uh-oh, our adult minds might be screaming – she’s making the organization look bad!!! “Not good”, to coin a phrase….! She was not intentionally trying to harm the Girl Scouts. Instead, she →
After a week of violence including police brutality and retaliatory shootings of police, it appears that the young ones understand ethical behavior and the “right” way to do things better than the adults…
My mom periodically sends me ethics articles. Today’s article was absolutely unbelievable. (Thanks, Mom!) According to a Fox News Article Published 2/14/2016 a Spanish government worker got paid for six years without showing up to the job. He collected an annual salary of $42,000 for supervising the construction of a waste water treatment plant. The water company building the plant thought the man was a government worker. And the government thought he was a water company employee. They caught him when he became eligible for an award for 20 years of service. The man was penalized $30,000 the maximum amount allowable under Spanish law. Aside from the fact that $30,000 is the maximum allowable under Spanish law (wouldn’t that be nice →
I’ve just had an experience with feedback that has left me feeling defeated and wondering how in the world I can even dare to trust people. After delivering a typical presentation I walked away feeling pretty good about it based on the interaction with the group, the types of questions asked, and the discussion that followed with individuals in the group. I asked for feedback from the leader of the group and was told the general consensus was that the topic was a rich one to explore. I opened up a huge area of discussion for the group on a topic that was of great concern to them but I didn’t go far enough into all the rabbit holes →