Whining alert! Whining alert! I’m watching the news the day after Christmas. And people everywhere are moaning about not getting their Christmas packages on time. Ok, so I understand the wonderful experience of giving family and friends presents and enjoying their reactions as they open your carefully selected gifts. It is, after all, why I choose to give presents only when I get the chance to go home and visit my family in person. But come on, people! Let’s have a little accountability check here! If you purchased a gift at the last minute and it required shipping, you KNEW you were taking a chance it wouldn’t arrive on time. Last minute means the last week before Christmas. Never mind →
Archive for 2013
I was just interviewed last night on a radio show called I am U Radio. The topic was the Energy of Ethics. I was a little nervous, not having done much with radio, tv or broadcasting very recently. But the hosts, Dagny and Beth, started off the conversation by sharing some of their thoughts and experiences with ethics and ethical behavior. They could have been delivering my workshop – they were saying a lot of the same words I use in my own workshops and lunch-and-learns. As I listened I thought to myself – well this is going to be easy!! And I was right. It was just like having a conversation with old friends on a topic near and →
I get these SmartBriefs that update me on topics of interest, like ethics, leadership, entrepreneurship etc. It’s how I keep up with things and manage to stay current on business news and world events. On April 16 I got a Social Media SmartBrief that talked about the impact of social media related to the Boston Marathon bombing. The title was “Social Media provides comfort, information after Boston bombing.” The titles are what usually grab me or influence me to open the email. This time was no different, but another sentence in the summary just absolutely shocked me. And got me thinking again about the decline in ethical values of our society today. This snippet of information said that people flock →