You know, as I sit here writing this article I’m finding myself a bit conflicted. ‘Tis the season, and one part of me thinks I should be writing about being grateful for all that I have. I am grateful. I am free to write what I want, go where I want, say what I want, believe what I want. I am lucky to be alive and I have a nice life in spite of all the crazy circumstances that the Universe throws at us mortals. But another part of me is watching this world self destruct little by little, or maybe the destruction is not so little any more. A congressman was just convicted for federal tax evasion and still →
Archive for 2014

The very first prototype of e-Factor!® was delivered 7 years ago on November 6. SEVEN YEARS! Wow. So many things have happened during these seven years! As I reflect on both the good and the bad, the experiences shared and the people I’ve met as a result of this journey I am amazed at the growth and sheer volume of lessons learned. The easiest part was creating the game. It got a lot tougher once it was time to talk to people and start building a business to support the game and its programs. If I had known then what I know now about people’s fear and varied interpretations about ethics, including the basic definition of the concept of ethics, →
Scheduling is an art. After 11 years of entrepreneurship I am convinced of this. But just as there are different styles of art, there are different ways of managing schedules. And these different ways can drive a body crazy. When we agree to an appointment with someone, we set aside the time on our calendar. We prepare a presentation for the meeting. We identify the goals for the meeting, how long it will take to get there if it’s an in-person meeting, and what we’d ultimately like as an outcome of the meeting. And then… at the last minute, we get the call. “Do you mind terribly if we change our meeting to another day?” And all that planning and →
You’re struggling to meet customer delivery deadlines, but Big Boss doesn’t like hearing bad news. As a result you only report positive outcomes. Problems are kept hidden until the biggest customer cancels its order without notice. What role did honesty play in losing this customer’s business? -e-Factor!® scenario The underlying situation in this scenario is that the organization, and Big →
As a follow-up to my newsletter article “Does Privacy Exist Any More“, I’m writing this blog post to help you learn a little bit more about how to protect your Private Data. I have not yet tried out all of these tips, and yes, somewhere someone is probably tracking my every keystroke and yours for clicking here. I know that people find me on the internet all the time so there’s a tracking device here somewhere! I have not yet found the “disclaimer” or fine print asking me for permission to use my stuff, although I suspect that just by setting up my website I gave the ok without really knowing it. (You know, in some respects life was much →
I was at a meeting where Harvey McKay spoke about the need to incorporate Fun and Creativity into our daily worklife. Hooray! I’ve been promoting this concept for my ethics training for more than 5 years and everybody told me I was nuts! Take “fun” out of ethics training! How can ethics training possssssiblllly be fun???!
Happy New Year everyone! I hope you had a joyful holiday season and 2014 is getting off to a great start for you! It’s going to be a fantastic year – can you feel it? I was reading a book the other day (gasp, actually having time to read a book??) and came across this question: Which matters more: intention or action? It stopped me in my tracks, and I had to stop reading to ponder this question for a while. The main character in the book was dealing with a crisis where he and the people around him were fighting for their lives. These folks were tricked into doing something they knew was wrong, but they were tricked by →