– and what we all can learn from him! This is the story of the power each and every one of us has within ourselves to change the world. Yes, you read that right. So how does this relate to ethics? By the end of this article you should be able to answer that for yourself. The information for this story came from a segment on 60 Minutes that aired February 20, 2011. The fruit vendor named Mohamed Bouazizi , from a small town in Tunisia, couldn’t take the corruption any more. A municipal official confiscated his scale, worth $100, and Bouazizi knew he’d have to pay a bribe to get it back. He complained to the official, and the →
Archive for February, 2011
It sure feels good…! For the first time in quite a few years, I’ve finished all my accounting early and turned over all the information to my trusted Tax advisor. Whew! I hadn’t realized how much of a relief it would be to get this done early! Why is it that we put this work off until the very end, waiting until the last minute and adding more pressure than necessary??? As a business coach, I’ve been known to advise my clients to do all sorts of things to break the logjam and get those unpleasant tasks done. Things like break the tasks up into small bite-sized chunks, create a reward for doing the job, work on the task early →
What an amazing couple of weeks we’ve lived through, wouldn’t you agree? For those of you who’ve stopped watching the news because it is so filled with hate and anger, I hope you broke your self-imposed exile to witness history unfolding in Egypt. If not, you missed such a rare opportunity to see something this momentous happen in our lifetime. We’ve had a few of these opportunities to witness history over the last few years – some US events like our market crash and its reverberating impact on other countries, and some International events like the Chilean mining rescue that had us all glued to our seats. However, nothing has happened that has as much promise for a new world as →