A quick segment in the news last week (June 18) mentioned that Brian Williams is going back to the anchor desk as a “breaking news anchor” on MSNBC. It struck me as odd that a news reporter who embellished the news (his experience on a helicopter in Iraq) would be allowed back on the air, let alone trusted to report breaking news. Who would ever believe what he has to say, especially if the breaking news being reported requires us to take action or move to shelter? Brian Williams’ fall from grace is a direct result of social media. A New York Times article says that twelve years ago soldiers tried to correct Mr. Williams’ story without success. Social media →
Archive for 2015
I recently saw a report on 60-minutes revealing fraud by flood insurance companies. Some flood insurance companies changed reports their engineers wrote after inspecting homes during the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy, then tried to force the engineers to sign affidavits saying they agreed with the insurance companies’ final reports. Engineers reported that the homes were structurally damaged due to Sandy and flooding, but homeowners received responses from the insurance companies stating there was no structural damage to their homes. Several homeowners contacted the engineers who inspected their homes and learned the reports the engineers submitted were different than the ones the homeowners received from their insurance companies. Here is the link to the article if you want to read the →
Last week as I was walking into the mall I overheard someone on the cell phone saying “I don’t wanna be a snitch, but….” Well, of course that caught my attention! Who wouldn’t be a little curious, right? Ok, so maybe it’s me and my ethics focus, but I couldn’t help it. I started wondering what this caller was snitching about. Of course, my curiosity went unsatisfied – although tempting it is just not appropriate to walk up to someone and ask what they’re snitching about, even if they are talking on a cell phone loud enough to wake the dead in a very public place…!