The day before election day I saw on the national news a segment on voter fraud. What?? Here in the US?? Really?! The news segment mentioned a series of activities such as “robo-calls” providing incorrect polling place addresses, putting the wrong election date on voting mailings, closing early voting early, throwing away authentic voter applications or questioning the validity of citizenship. I do not know if all of these are true, but if they are, how Far we have Fallen…! I’ve lived in places like Mexico, where the ballots boxes were made of clear plastic to prevent ballot stuffing and where the US sent watchdogs to ensure “clean” elections. I happened to be in Haiti on business when they had →
Archive for 2012
How many times have we heard this phrase? And how many times do these words get us into trouble? When I hear this sentence lately I start running to the door, biting my tongue to avoid saying something I’ll regret later. That’s usually because what is easy for some is rocket science for me. The latest example of my long list of frustrations with these words relates to technology. And for me, technology is definitely rocket science! I’m still trying to figure out how to record programs using my DVD player and yes, until recently I thought a tablet was a pad of lined notebook paper. Ok, stop laughing. If my methods aren’t broken I don’t fix them. And ask →
Ethics – it’s a topic on everyone’s mind these days. If you’re still watching the news or listening to the radio or tweeting on Twitter you can’t avoid hearing about the consequences of unethical behavior. It is all around us; related to the cars we drive to the banks we put our money into, to the value of our homes. Why, then, when someone mentions the word “ethics” do people roll their eyes or start running for the door? Let’s explore. Ethics is fascinating, at least for me. Ok, so call me a weirdo, an oddball, a freak. These descriptors are ok, but less polite terms are unacceptable. And No – “ethics police” is NOT an acceptable descriptor! But reactions →
Here in Arizona we’re having a debate. Ok, so we’re having a lot of debates here and sparking a few big nasty national ones as well lately. Arizona is definitely subscribed to the Wild Wild West mentality. But the debate I’m writing about relates to ethics, and whether our elected officials should have immunity from prosecution while the legislature is in session. Ethics is actually being Debated here??! It was a crazy incident that sparked this debate. The state majority leader of the Arizona state Senate and his girlfriend were arrested after having a fight in their car on the highway. The girlfriend was arrested and charged with assault. The state majority leader claimed immunity because the state Senate was →
I will cherish this memory. A unanimous vote in the US Congress. A rare thing of beauty it was, although the reason for it was heart wrenchingly sad. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords submitted her last piece of legislation before resigning as a US representative of the state of Arizona. Watching her complete this task, take her last vote, and submit her resignation was much harder for me than I anticipated. And yet, it was truly one of those profiles in courage that we’re seeing less and less these days. It was something I felt I absolutely had to rearrange my schedule to watch, recording for history my own memories of the good things in life. The memory of her walking up →
It happened again today. Someone came to my door to do a little maintenance work, and his truck was parked in front of the fire hydrant. I had to politely ask him to move his truck. Luckily, this gentleman didn’t get rude or nasty. He just turned around, looked at his truck, saw it was directly in front of the hydrant and moved it. I’m not usually so lucky. The normal reaction from visitors and neighbors of my little community is one of hateful, ugly name calling and verbal abuse. How DARE I insist that people move their vehicles away from the fire hydrant? Nothing’s going to happen anyway…. Well friends, if we believe this why do we pay for →