I will cherish this memory. A unanimous vote in the US Congress. A rare thing of beauty it was, although the reason for it was heart wrenchingly sad. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords submitted her last piece of legislation before resigning as a US representative of the state of Arizona. Watching her complete this task, take her last vote, and submit her resignation was much harder for me than I anticipated. And yet, it was truly one of those profiles in courage that we’re seeing less and less these days. It was something I felt I absolutely had to rearrange my schedule to watch, recording for history my own memories of the good things in life. The memory of her walking up →
doing the right thing
It happened again today. Someone came to my door to do a little maintenance work, and his truck was parked in front of the fire hydrant. I had to politely ask him to move his truck. Luckily, this gentleman didn’t get rude or nasty. He just turned around, looked at his truck, saw it was directly in front of the hydrant and moved it. I’m not usually so lucky. The normal reaction from visitors and neighbors of my little community is one of hateful, ugly name calling and verbal abuse. How DARE I insist that people move their vehicles away from the fire hydrant? Nothing’s going to happen anyway…. Well friends, if we believe this why do we pay for →