“If money is big enough, why not?” was the response to a 60-minutes investigator who asked Stefano Varjas, an inventor from Budapest, Hungary, about whether he would sell his invention, a motorized bicycle accessory, to clients who intended to cheat in bike races. (Click here for the segment entitled “Enhancing the Bike” aired 1/29/17.) The investigator was specifically talking about racers of the Tour de France. And while Varjas would not say if he directly sold the motor to athletes directly, he said cannot say what his clients do with his motor. He also said he knew racers had used it and he participated in investigations of athletes in both the Tour de France and the Olympics. According to →
Archive for January, 2017
As we usher in a new leader, I am compelled to write this article. It is just bubbling out of me, because I have been witness to a change in our environment where ethics and accountability are taking a back seat to fear and anger and hate. How did this happen, and how do we release the pressure building up? I have visions of the future, and they sometimes include people curled up in little balls, afraid to speak up for fear of being attacked. In other visions, the future is positive – a change of the guard and a new way of doing things is good. The thing is, I am puzzled by the lack of accountability people are →